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        Foreword - By Dr. Brian Seneviratne         

        Authors' Preface      

        Second Preface      


Volume 1


1      Missed Opportunities and the Loss of Democracy   

        1.1       The disfranchisement of

                    Indian Tamils: 1948-49    

        1.2       The Left

        1.3       The Tamils        

2      Some Milestones in the Development of Tamil Political Consciousness.    

        2.1       The Youth Congress     

        2.2       The F.P. and the T.U.L.F.     

        2.3       The Years 1977-1981   

3      August 1981 To July 1983        

        3.1        Introduction   

        3.2        Through the eyes of the

                Saturday Review           

4    The July 1983 Violence Against Tamils       

5      The Growth of the Tamil Militancy  

        5.1       Post 1983           

        5.2       The Militants in Politics.      

        5.3       The Changing Character of the Militants.    

        5.4       The Rise of the L.T.T.E.     

        5.5        Difference among the Militants    

        5.6       The Eastern Question   

6      1987:The Bubble Bursts      

        6.1       Retreat to Jaffna     

        6.2       The Navaratne Episode

        6.3       The closing of Jaffna Hospital     

7      Operation Liberation 

        7.1       Was there an Alternative?           

        7.2        Operation Liberation Commences.          

        7.3       Some aspects of Operation Liberation.  

        7.4        Sinhalese and Tamils during

                Operation Liberation       

8      June-July: India Enters         

        8.1       The Airdrop and the L.T.T.E.'s  Dilemma.    

        8.2       The Accord, Colonisation and  Human Rights        

                8.3                The End of a Long Road to Nowhere                

9      Post Accord:The Indian Summer.  

        9.1       The Arrival of the I.P.K.F.      

        9.2       The Fast

        9.3        Towards Confrontation        

        9.4       The End of an Era         

        9.5       A  Digression on the Forces of History  

Volume 2

Reports and Analysis

1      October Days       

        1.1        Background to the Breakdown of the Accord 

        1.2       The Night of Shame      

2      India's Role - An Overview.       

        2.1        Expectations about India's Role  

        2.2       India and the Militants   

        2.3       Scenes from the October 1987 War.  

        2.4        Encounters with Indians during the War      

        2.5       A Personal Assessment

3      The War of October 1987

            (India's Disarming Operation)

        3.1        Pirambady - The Turning Point 

        3.2       Urelu  

        3.3        Urumpirai      

        3.4       Uduvil, Maruthanamadam  

        3.5       Nallur 

        3.6        Ariyalai          

        3.7        Kokuvil          

        3.8        Chundikuli-Jaffna         

        3.9       Jaffna  Hospital     

        3.10     The Mysterious Killing

        3.11     Navaly       

        3.12     A  Detainee's Experience  

        3.13     Frido  

        3.14     What it Means to Fall Sick during Curfew        

4      The Psychological Aspects of the  Indian Military Action    

        4.1        Introduction   

        4.2       Stress 

        4.3        Anxiety          

        4.4       Grief Reactions   

        4.5        Reactive Depression 

        4.6        Psychosomatic Disorders 

        4.7        Personality Disorders   

        4.8        Torture          

        4.9       Rape  

        4.10        Psychosis      

        4.11        Childhood Disorders   

5      No More Tears Sister -The Experiences of Women     

        5.1        Introduction   

        5.2       A Village in Central Jaffna: A Woman's Story          

        5.3       The Case of the Disappeared          

        5.4       Rape and Molestation    

        5.5        Detainees       

        5.6       Tamil Women and the National

                                Liberation Struggle.              

        5.7        Women's Organisation          

        5.8         Women and Arms          

6      India's Dilemma   

        6.1        Introduction   

6.2                 A Survey of the Background to the


                1Mother India: Illusion or Reality           

                    2        India's Thrust Abroad       

                    3        The Colonial Past and Economy 

                    4        Post Colonial Sri Lanka    

                    5        Sinhalese and Tamil Nationalism 

                    6        Indo-Sri Lanka Relations    

                    8        1983 - A Turning Point     

                    9        The R.A.W. and Tamil Militants       

                    10        Indian Training and the Tamil Struggle    

                    11        Consensus: A Facade        

                    12        Negotiation: Anathema   

                    13        Operation Liberation   

                    14        The Peace Accord       

                    15        The Left: A Viable Alternative ?       

        6.3       The New Phase:Post October 1987     

                    1        The October War

                    2        Terror: The Peacekeeper's Tool of  Control 

                    3        The Messiah's and the People   

                    4        The L.T.T.E. :India's Prodigal son       

                    5        Vortex of Violence: India's Catch 22     

                    6        The Peace Accord and Sinhalese


        6.4       A Note on Economic Factors in the

                Regional Crisis       


7      A Perspective on Non-Violence 

        7.1       The Vanishing Prospects for Peace       

        7.2       The Forgotten Spiritual Heritage      

        7.3        Nonviolence   

        7.4        Brutalisation versus Reconciliation        

8      Epilogue       

        8.1       Jaffna 

        8.2       The South          

        8.3       The Press          

        8.4       India   

        8.5       Some Final Thoughts      

                    1        People's Life and an Alternative 

                    2        Towards Reconciliation    

9      Postscript      

        9.1.      A Reflection on Events: Mid-1989 

        9.2       An Addendum - February 1990       

        Appendix I. The Situation in Early 1990:An Impressionistic View  

        I.1        January 1990:A Time of Ironies        

        I.2        The Tamil National Army         

        I.3        The other Militant Groups       

        I.4        India and its Peace Keeping Force       

        Appendix II. The Cyanide Drama that brought Referee  Rajiv into the Ring        

        Appendix III. Dr.Rajani Thiranagama: Her   Contribution to the University Teachers for Human Rights

        Appendix IV. Laying Aside Illusions               

        Appendix V. A List of Frequently Used Acronyms 

        Appendix VI. Some Useful Maps          

        1          Map of Ceylon   

        2          Map of Jaffna Town      

        3          Map of Chundikuli         

        4          Map of Jaffna University  

        5          Map of Kokuvil Hindu College       


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